Attar Affair

Frangrances that Define you

Perfume Oils - Attar

We are promoting the use of perfume oils - natural attar fragrances to support the lossing art form of extracting the oils through the traditional process of hydro-distillation. Find fragrances that are calming, sensuous, long lasting created in a traditional environment.

  • Natural

    Attar fragrances are created through the process of hydro-distillation from natural, high quality ingredients.

  • Ethically Sourced

    All our products are obtained ethically, ensuring decent working conditions, health and safety throughout our supply chain.

  • Sustainable

    We do business with suppliers and processes that are environmental friendly.

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  • Alcohol Free

    Extracted from natural elements - wood, flowers our attar oils are free of alcohol or any additive chemicals.

  • Cruelty Free

    We do not believe in testing on animals in any form or to harm any living creature for our benefit.

  • Organic

    All our products are organic and free of parabens, pthalates, sulfates and other toxic chemicals.

  • Long Lasting

    The beauty of using perfume oils is that it is concentrated and long lasting. Gentle on the skin and heavenly for the nose.